HR & Payroll Services
The key to business success is people, and we can help you keep them happy and overcome any challenges you face.
Whether you have a HR department or not, employment law is a fast-changing rule book and it is hard to keep up!
That’s why we offer a super simple monthly service to ensure you onboard new employees efficiently, stay compliant during their employment and guide you through any people issues that arise.
Just like accountancy and tax services, we offer HR & payroll solutions for start-ups, growing businesses and mature businesses.
All of our solutions provide access to qualified HR experts, saving you time to get on and run your business whilst reducing the risk of financial penalties associated with HR issues. Services are provided via a monthly retainer, or can be delivered on an ‘as and when’ basis.
Find out more here…

“Having spent years specialising in employment law and representing Claimants and Respondents in Employment Tribunals and disciplinary and appeal hearings, I know the importance of getting it right from the start”
~ Moray Laing
Head of HR