Coronavirus - your staffing options

Many businesses will be looking to reduce their costs in the expectation that sales are likely to decline over the short term. Your staff are likely to account for a large part of your costs.

The Government has recognised this and introduced urgent measures to assist and support business owners which we have covered in previous articles. Some of these measures specifically concern staff.

Many measures have been introduced in a very short space of time and some have been unprecedented. Because of this it is still not possible to provide definitive guidance until the legislation behind the schemes has been released in full.

However, below we will try to explain the options as they affect staff in as much detail as possible based upon what is known at this time along with alternatives that are already in force. This may at least enable you to formulate plans that can be put in place as soon as systems allow.

In summary, your staffing options are;

  • Carry on as you are now

  • Laying off staff or short-time working

  • Putting staff on ‘Furlough’

  • Redundancy

The last three can be an employment law minefield. At Continuum we can provide the advice you need to make sure you handle this difficult time in the best way possible. If you need help, please get in touch via the contact button above.

We have a downloadable information sheet available which gives more details of the above. It is not a quick and easy read because this is not a quick and easy subject. It is available HERE


Companies House - Extension to Accounts Filing Deadline.


Information and links - Government help during Coronavirus emergency