Continuum’s Spring Newsletter
It might not seem like it but the current Government has only been in power since last summer. It is perhaps too early to tell if a change of Government will result in a change of fortunes for our economy which seems to be limping along in a state of stupor.
As always, it is not the actions of the Government that will have most effect on us as individuals and families, it is our own actions. There are some unwelcome changes (particularly the increase in Employers’ NIC) on the way and since we can’t stop them, our task is how best to live with them.
Our Spring Newsletter discusses this and other current issues to keep you up to date and informed. The Newsletter can be downloaded using the link below
The Newsletter contains information on:
Changes to taxation of Double Cab company vehicles
How the increases in Employers NIC will affect you - and how to mitigate it.
A look at whether operating through a company is still worthwhile from a tax perspective.
An update on the ‘payrolling’ Benefits in Kind
And much more!
If you have any questions, on anything, don’t hesitate to contact us below: